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- The linguistic validation of the BREAST-Q in Hindi
The linguistic validation of the BREAST-Q in Hindi
We are very pleased to publish this paper about the linguistic validation of the BREAST-Q in Hindi.The full length article is available in pdfin order to respect the Hindi writing. The abstract is available below.
Anil Tibdewal, MD.*; Wadasadawala Tabassum, MD, DNB.*; Atul Kulkanri, MD#; Jayshri Parkar, BA*
* Department of Radiation Oncology, Tata Memorial Centre, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai;#Department of Preventive Medicine, D. Y. Patil Medical College, Nerul, Navi Mumbai.#
The BREAST-Q is a patient-reported outcome instrument designed to evaluate outcomes among women undergoing different types of breast surgery.
Aim:The present work reports the translation process for one of the BREAST-Q modules i.e reconstruction module into Hindi.
Materials and Methods
The linguistic validation procedure described by the Mapi Research Institute was adopted; this comprised two forward translations of the original English questionnaire into Hindi with formation of Version 1 questionnaire and a back translation of the Version 1 questionnaire into English. Necessary changes in Version 1 were made after comparing with the source instrument, thus to form the Version 2 questionnaire. This was pilot tested in five Hindi speaking breast cancer patients who had undergone whole breast reconstruction.
Each patient, after completing the questionnaire, was interviewed by the local project coordinator who questioned them about each item in the Version 2 questionnaire. The patients were asked whether there was any difficulty in answering, confusion while answering, or difficulty in understanding the questions; whether the questions were upsetting; and if the patients themselves would have framed the question in a different way. Based on the suggestions of this pilot testing, the necessary changes were incorporated and the final Hindi questionnaire was formed.
The translation was submitted to the Mapi Research Institute for review and has been subsequently approved for clinical studies.
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