Date Time 10:00 - 11:00
Location Webinar Timezone America/New York Webinar information:
Assessing communication in individuals who communicate with gestures and vocalizations and few single words (i.e., minimally verbal) remains a challenge. This webinar presents a tool called the Communication Complexity Scale (CCS) developed to measure expressive communication during a scripted communication sample, or during a live observation. Attendees will learn about how the CCS was developed and how it can be used in clinical settings to assess individuals with disabilities including autism. Research studies by the presenter and colleagues showed that the CCS is reliable, and has construct validity in comparison to existing measures. In addition, the CCS is sensitive to changes associated with intervention. The CCS is a 12-point scale that can be used to describe communication behaviors such as joint attention, gestures and vocalizations, in addition to beginning word use. A series of training modules have been developed to teach people how to identify communication initiated during authentic interactions and score these initiations with the CCS. The CCS provides information about differences in communication behaviors by different individuals as well as differences in an individual over time. Assessing minimally verbal communication is advanced through the use of the CCS.
Target Audience:
This webinar will appeal to all healthcare professionals, clinical researchers and pharmaceutical companies interested in patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) and Quality of Life (QOL).
Nancy C. Brady, Ph.D.
Dr. Nancy Brady has conducted research on early language and communication development in children and adults with disabilities for over 25 years. Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and US Department of Education, and focuses on stages of Prelinguistic development, teaching beginning AAC, and pragmatic aspects of early communication. She has studied children and adults with developmental disabilities, including individuals with autism, fragile X syndrome. Down syndrome, and deaf-blindness. Her publications include over 60 peer-reviewed journal articles, an edited book, and book chapters. Dr. Brady is a professor in the department of Speech Language Hearing Sciences and Disorders at the University of Kansas, where she teaches courses on communication in severe disabilities and mentors graduate and undergraduate students. She is currently department Chair.Marie Dulac
Marie Dulac works for Mapi Research Trust. She is in charge of developing and maintaining collaborations with questionnaires developers and copyright owners. She also manages the licensing process and distribution of questionnaires that are managed by Mapi Research Trust on behalf of their copyright owners.